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At eVisit, we spend our time at the intersection of healthcare and technology. We’re interested in what’s happening in mobile healthcare (mHealth) and where it’s headed. Our telehealth software is built around the needs of patients and physicians and we’re constantly looking for ways to develop better tools for our users. We analyze ways individuals are staying connected online and utilizing their online experience to empower their healthcare choices. Then, we look for ways to improve that experience. 78% of U.S. consumers are interested in mHealth solutions and 40% of physicians report that mobile devices decrease the time time spent on administrative tasks. These  are compelling statistics.

Part of our research includes looking at trends/patterns within the industry and making sure we’re meeting the current demands. As a result, we’ve found some great infographics that help capture what we’ve known about mobile health for some time: it’s here to stay and it’s growing.

This infographic from the folks over at cube LABS does a great job at capturing the evolution of mHealth. 

mHealth Infographics



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